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Copia In colla

Uno script semplice, che permette di fare il COPIA-INCOLLA tra 2 sessioni di 3dsMax.

Lo script è gratuito e funziona con tutte le versione di 3dmax dalla 2015.

Per utilizzare lo script bisogna seguire la seguente procedura:

- Menu SCRIPTING, selezionate NEW SCRIPT

- Copiate ed in collate il testo che trovate sotto

-Salvate il file nella cartella SCRIPT di 3ds Max con il nome COPIA-INCOLLA o quello che volete

-Tornate nel menu' SCRIPTING, RUN SCRIPT.. e caricate il file.

A questo punto lo script è caricato, ma come capita spesso per i script free, dovete creare un'apposita toolbar ed il gioco e fatto!!

(Non sai creare una TOOLBAR nuova? Leggi il prossimo articolo e troverai tutte le informazioni.

Un ringraziamento a Christopher Grant, ( ) che ha reso free questo script molto utile!!

Grazie a tutti


Copy and Paste Obects -- version 0.21 --Christopher Grant, | -- --DESCRIPTION: -- It's always annoyed me that I couldn't copy objects from one instance of max and paste them -- into another, as I work with 2 or 3 instances of max up at a time. It's tedious to do a save -- selected / merge objects so this script does it for you. It's not a TRUE copy/paste via the -- windows clipboard, but it will let you very quickly copy objects from one file to another. -- --USAGE: -- Select the objects you want to copy. Run 'copy script' (I assign mine to Ctrl+Shift+C). Now run the 'paste script' -- (I assign mine to Ctrl+Shift+V) into either the same file or you can load another instance of max and 'paste' the objects into it. -- --INSTALLATION: -- 1. Click Maxscript / Run Script and choose wherever you downloaded this file to -- 1a. It will seem like nothing happened but that's exactly what it should do, you now need to assign a shortcut to it -- 2. Click Customize / Customize User Interface / Keyboard (tab) -- 3. Change the Category to "CG_Tools" -- 4. Click "Copy Objects to File" and change its Hotkey to something, maybe Ctrl+Alt+C .Click Assign -- 5. Click "Paste Objects from File" and change its Hotkey to something, maybe Ctrl+Alt+V. Click Assign -- 6. Click Save and save your custom UI settings to a file, do yourself a favor and don't use the default. -- 7. That's it. -- --HISTORY: -- -- 05-02-28: first rev... -- 05-03-11: fixed a problem that kept the script from working... I can't believe I didn't catch this before first release, -- as it was erroring out and not working because my variables were out of scope... -- 09-02-03: changed credit in header -------------------------------- macroScript Copy_Objects_To_File Category:"CG_Tools" toolTip:"Copy Objects to File" ( thecopypastedir = getdir #autoback -- CHANGE THIS TO ANY FOLDER YOU WANT thecopypastefile = "\pastefile.max" --this is the filename to save as... thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile --this is the complete string if $ != undefined do saveNodes $ thecopypastestring --this saves ("copies") the objects as a file )

macroScript Paste_Objects_From_File Category:"CG_Tools" toolTip:"Paste Objects from File" ( thecopypastedir = getdir #autoback -- CHANGE THIS TO ANY FOLDER YOU WANT thecopypastefile = "\pastefile.max" --this is the filename to save as... thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile --this is the complete string

mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select --this merges ("pastes") and selects objects from file )


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